Conflict of Interest Vendors

The Board of Regents has a comprehensive policy as to what constitutes a conflict of interest (1.3 Conflict of Interest) . The policy, in general, provides that Regent employees shall not sell any goods or services to any Regent institution if the value exceeds $2,000 per transaction or $2,000 annually unless pursuant to pre-approval by the Board of Regents. Further, any employee who has an ownership interest in, executive position, or other remunerative relationship with prospective suppliers of goods or service, shall not participate in preparing of specifications, qualifying vendors, or selecting of final vendor for award.

All work with Conflict of Interest vendors must be done on a Purchase Order issued before work starts.

University policy on receiving and soliciting gifts further discourages:

  1. Staff travel for any reason taken at a vendor's or potential vendor's expense.
  2. Acceptance from or offering to vendors any gifts or gratuities in exchange for any special consideration.