Office of Business Operations

Authorize Payroll Deduction for Purchases Charged to your ID



Authorize Payroll Deduction for Purchases Charged to your ID

Step 1:

Download the GET app (Search for GET Mobile).

Step 2:

Select the University of Northern Iowa as the institution and log in using your CatID credentials. 



 Step 3:  You will see your personal information when you log in. Scroll down and Select "START AN ORDER".   







Step 4:

Scroll down and select "Staff/Faculty ID Charge Authorization", click CONTINUE. 


Step 5:

Click on the arrow next to the question "Do you allow UNI to deduct charges", select whether to enable or disable payroll deduction charging. 

Click "ADD $.01", then click "VIEW CART". 



Step 6:

Review your order. Select a payment method from the drop-down box. The only payment method available is the “UNI Card Sharge Staff Authorization” tender. Select this. )Note that you really won’t be charged $.01.) Click “PLACE ORDER.”  You will see the “Order Placed” screen. “Click DONE.”

You will receive an email confirmation. 

If you have any questions about Authorizing Payroll Deduction for Purchases Charged to your ID card, please contact University Housing & Dining at 319-273-2333.