Sep 23, 2015

Short's Travel will no longer call or email for approval before authorizing travel bookings

Effective April 2, 2012, Short's Travel will no longer call or email for approval before authorizing travel purchases. Instead, Short's will email a copy of the ticket invoice to the traveler, and also email a copy to the person(s) currently listed as the department approver. The traveler or approver will have 24 hours to call Short's to void the ticket (only applies to new tickets and not exchanges).

The Short's approval email will be sent from a generic inbox and out-of-office emails will not be received by Short's. If a department finds it necessary, multiple approvers can be added to the email list. The approver(s) will receive copies of all information sent to the traveler. Please contact Molly Ungs at 3-6448 or to set up department approvers for Short's.

The following is the communication received from Short's Travel:

Effective Monday, April 2, 2012, we will no longer be seeking approval for travel. If there is a department credit card on file, we will use that credit card and send a copy of the invoice to the traveler. We will also copy anyone that we have listed for the department on the invoice. It will be the traveler's responsibility to seek approval.

Also effective Monday, April 2, 2012, any department that is not loaded in our system, we will put those bookings into a general UNI account and ask for a credit card form of payment.